February 12 Meeting

Hi everyone,

Tuesday, February 12th will be our next TU 737 chapter meeting at the East Smithfield public library, on the 2nd floor. Please come at 630pm and tie flies with Kenny, a very accomplished tier. Official meeting starts at 7pm and will end at 8:45pm. Please bring a friend and/or fellow fly fisher with you.


· Please remember to bring some cash, as we will be selling 20 tickets to raffle off a new TFO NXT series LA 1 click & pawl fly reel – tickets will be $5 each.


· We should have some updates on the Embrace A Stream project on the Woonasquatucket river. Ed, Wes and myself will be meeting with RI DEM officials on February 5th.


· It’s been cold, but spring isn’t far away and the trout and stripers will soon be taking our flies and tightening our lines !!



John Fischer, President, TU 737 NORTHERN RI